Join Us
Membership Applications:
• Active Membership Application
• Associate Membership Application
• Student Membership Application
• Emeritus Membership Application
• Membership Renewal
Provide Educational and Networking Opportunities:
• Monthly lunch/dinner speaker meetings at the eleven local Chapters around the State
• Annual Seminar sponsored by PAF in conjunction with its Annual Meeting, offered 9 hours of continuing legal education units
Promote and Offer Voluntary Examinations/Certifications:
• Certified Legal Assistant/Certified Paralegal (“CLA/CP”) examination administered by the National Association of Legal Assistants (“NALA”), concerning federal law. Additional information can be found at Certified Paralegal.
• Florida Certified Paralegal (“FCP”) examination administered by PAF, concerning substantive Florida law. Prerequisite: CLA/CP designation. Additional information can be found at Florida Certified Paralegal.
Professional Associations:
• Affiliation with NALA cooperation and participation with The Florida Bar and local bar
Professional Promotion and Community Outreach:
• Annual scholarships given by PAF and its local Chapters to deserving students in paralegal programs throughout the State of Florida
• Annual community service campaign by PAF to provide funds for local Guardian Ad Litem programs
• Monthly opportunities for community service by the local Chapters
• Members participate in Technical Advisory Committees at local colleges and as non-lawyers on various committees of The Florida Bar
Membership Applications:
- Active Membership Application
- Associate Membership Application
- Student Membership Application
- Emeritus Membership Application
- Membership Renewal
Provide Educational and Networking Opportunities:
- Monthly lunch/dinner speaker meetings at the eleven local Chapters around the State
- Annual Seminar sponsored by PAF in conjunction with its Annual Meeting, offered 9 hours of continuing legal education units
Promote and Offer Voluntary Examinations/Certifications:
- Certified Legal Assistant/Certified Paralegal (“CLA/CP”) examination administered by the National Association of Legal Assistants (“NALA”), concerning federal law. Additional information can be found at Certified Paralegal.
- Florida Certified Paralegal (“FCP”) examination administered by PAF, concerning substantive Florida law. Prerequisite: CLA/CP designation. Additional information can be found at Florida Certified Paralegal.
Professional Associations:
- Affiliation with NALA cooperation and participation with The Florida Bar and local bar
Professional Promotion and Community Outreach:
- Annual scholarships given by PAF and its local Chapters to deserving students in paralegal programs throughout the State of Florida
- Annual community service campaign by PAF to provide funds for local Guardian Ad Litem programs
- Monthly opportunities for community service by the local Chapters
- Members participate in Technical Advisory Committees at local colleges and as non-lawyers on various committees of The Florida Bar