Sherry Webber, ACP, FCP, FRP – President
Sherry Webber has been a Litigation Paralegal in the Palm Beach County Attorney’s Office since 2005. Before that working in the private sector, handling both plaintiff and defense assignments for firms in and around the Palm Beach County.
Since joining PAF, Inc. and her local Palm Beach County Chapter in 1999, she has served on the PBCC Executive Board in almost every capacity, including as Law Week Chair since 2004; and Career Network Chair since 2017. She is Immediate Past President of the Palm Beach County Chapter. On the State level, she became the Editor of “In Brief” in 2014; 2nd Vice-President for two terms (2018-19 and 2019-20); First Vice President for 2022; and is honored to be President of PAF.
Always remember "It's not the absence of fear, it's overcoming it. Sometimes you've got to blast through and have faith" ~ Emma Watson
Jodee L. Buck, ACP, FCP, FRP – Second Vice President
Jodee L. Buck is an advanced certified paralegal with more than 20 years of legal experience primarily in the fields of Real Estate, Civil Litigation, Corporate, and Government law. She has worked for the past 13+ years at Dill, Evans & Rhodeback in Sebastian, Florida. Jodee received her AA degree from Keiser University in 2004 and completed her paralegal certification with the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) and is a member of NALA. Keiser University featured Jodee in a testimonial commercial for their institution. In 2006 Jodee also completed the requirements to become a Florida Certified Paralegal as well as a Florida Registered Paralegal and in 2020 took the NALA exam to become an Advanced Certified Paralegal in Real Estate. She was the President of the Paralegal Association of Florida, Inc., and remains a member of the Treasure Coast Chapter. She has devoted many years supporting the United Way and March of Dimes. Jodee has been with her husband since 1997, and they have a beautiful daughter and reside in Vero Beach, Florida. She also has a Boston Terrier, a cat, 3 snakes (small ones), saltwater fish and a squirrel. Jodee’s hobbies include taking care of the zoo at home, dancing, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
Tina M. Contina, CP, FRP – Secretary
Tina M. Contina, CP, FRP.
David Dewell, FRP – Treasurer

Kristina Schiraldi, MBA, ACP, FRP – NALA Liaison
Kristina Schiraldi is the NALA Liaison.
Ricki Witte, ACP, FRP - Parliamentarian
Ricki Witte joined PAF under its former name of Florida Legal Assistants, Inc., around 1978 as a student member while attending the Legal Assisting Program at Miami-Dade College and became an active member upon graduation and passing the CLA exam. She served on the state board as a regional director (back before chapters) and was a founding member of the Broward Chapter. In the Broward Chapter, Ricki has served as treasurer, president, and parliamentarian and was a regular attendee at PAF state seminars. After 9 years in personal injury and commercial litigation, Ricki worked for 31 years for Joseph G. Young, Esq., in Fort Lauderdale in estate and trust litigation. She was among the first Florida Registered Paralegals from 2008 until her employer’s death in 2016. Since then, she has been working part-time for two sole practitioners in probate and guardianship.
Ricki enjoys sewing additions to her 14th century wardrobe as a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, participating in volunteer activities as a member of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), League of Women Voters, and is a ham radio operator.
Asha Maharaj-Lucas, FRP – Immediate Past President
Asha Maharaj-Lucas has been a paralegal 20 plus years, beginning her career in the Federal Court System in the Northern District of New Jersey. In 2004, she relocated to Tallahassee. She is a strong advocate for the paralegal profession and focuses on strengthening resources and education for those currently in the profession, while inspiring budding students beginning their careers!
Asha has been diligently working with the Big Bend Chapter to continue its growth and stay competitive with local legal associations. She is currently the Immediate Past President of the Big Bend Chapter and has served as the President, and Vice President, and has served on the community service committee, job bank committee, and seminar committee as well as newsletter editor for the Chapter.
She also serves as Committee Chair for the State Scholarship Committee and Seminar Committee. Asha is also a member of the Florida Bar Enrichment committee where she is the Chair to the Specials Project Subcommittee. Asha received the NALA Affiliate award for 2019.
Director at Large - Vacant
Additional Board Members
Carlie Duquette, Director (Chapter President – Big Bend)
Melissa Tait, Director (Chapter President – Brevard)
Carol Goraczko, Director (Chapter President – Broward)
Jennifer Heape, Director (Chapter President – First Coast)
Michelle Arty, Director (Chapter President – Palm Beach County)
Chrystal Lunsford, Director (Chapter President – Pinellas)
Janet Merz, Director (Chapter President – Southwest)
Kristen Remling, Director (Chapter President – Treasure Coast)