Inspiring professional growth…
one paralegal at a time. ®

Membership Info

Our members are dedicated to the paralegal profession . . . and this is THEIR professional association.  Membership in a respected professional association brings with it many intangible benefits including recognition by employers of the dedication of an individual to maintaining high educational and professional standards.  As a recognized and respected organization, PAF is proud to encourage and foster the continuing professional development of its members.

Some of the accomplishments of our members include:

  1. Appointment as instructors, academic and technical advisors to college/university paralegal programs throughout Florida.
  2. Appointment by the Florida Bar President to the Bar’s Special Committee to Study Paralegal Regulation and the Florida Registered Paralegal Standing Committee.
  3. The first non-lawyer to chair The Florida Bar’s Standing Committee on the Unlicensed Practice of Law was a PAF member.
  4. Many of our members are frequent speakers to paralegals and paralegal students and have had articles published in various forums.
  5. Several members have been nominated and received various awards including Rookie Paralegal of the Year awarded by Paralegal Today magazine and Paralegal of the Year.

PAF’s State and Local Chapter Network

For those holding the Certified Paralegal (CP) and Florida Registered Paralegal (FRP) designations, PAF offers a variety of opportunities to earn Continuing Legal Education credits.  PAF holds an annual statewide educational event each year.  Additional, through its 12 chapters, PAF holds monthly meetings and local seminars offering additional CLE opportunities.

What Our Members Say

“This was the first PAF annual seminar that I have been able to attend.  I will be coming back next year!”

“I learned about the job opening by attending the chapter meeting.  The firm does not advertise any vacancies until after it posts a notice with the chapter’s job bank.”

“I needed to find the name of a good appraiser in south Florida fast.  I don’t work in real estate, but, I remembered meeting a member at a seminar in Boca that did.  I pulled the attendee roster from my seminar book and called her.  Within a few minutes I had a recommendation and my boss was surprised and really pleased.”

“The Membership Forum at the annual meeting was fantastic.  I was able to bring a lot of information back to my firm administrator about why all of our qualified paralegals should register as an FRP.”

Recent Posts

State Events

Palm Beach County Chapter Executive Committee Meeting

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PAF-FCC April 3, 2025 Board Meeting (Via Zoom)

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PAF-First Coast Chapter Membership Drive (Apr. 14 - May 14

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PAF-FCC April 17, 2025 CLE (Via Zoom)

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